Dale Harris of UK is World Barista Champion 2017 in Seoul

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Dale Harris of UK is World Barista Champion 2017 in Seoul

Postby CakeBoy » Sat Nov 11, 2017 5:43 pm

Glad to report that Dale Harris, the UKBC Champion, Has Bean legend, TMC member and all round nice bloke has reached the Semi-finals of the WBC and is currently lying in 6th place of the sixteen qualifiers. The competition continues today. Good luck Dale :)

More details here and here :)
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Re: World Barista Championships 2017 in Seoul

Postby CakeBoy » Sat Nov 11, 2017 11:13 pm

It appears Dale has reached the final. The top six will go head to head on Sunday 12th, Seoul time.
International muffin blagger

Iberital L'Anna 1 Gp Hand-Fill | Wega Orion 2 Gp | Bezzera 1 Gp | Rancilio Audrey PID | Spidem Trevi
Iberital MC2 Timed | Macap M4 DS & MXA DS | Mazzer SJ | Starbucks Barista Grinder (Dualit E60/Solis 166)
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Re: World Barista Championships 2017 in Seoul

Postby CakeBoy » Sun Nov 12, 2017 9:11 am

He did it, Dale Harris is the World Barista Champion 2017! He took the title in the early hours of this morning European time zones in Seoul!

Congratulations Dale and to all of his team at Has Bean, even that roaster bloke, wassisname Leighton! :D :D

Maybe we can persuade one of them to post a few details of the coffee and how it feels.

You can watch Dale's winning performance here

Some photos here.
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International muffin blagger

Iberital L'Anna 1 Gp Hand-Fill | Wega Orion 2 Gp | Bezzera 1 Gp | Rancilio Audrey PID | Spidem Trevi
Iberital MC2 Timed | Macap M4 DS & MXA DS | Mazzer SJ | Starbucks Barista Grinder (Dualit E60/Solis 166)
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Re: Dale Harris of UK is World Barista Champion 2017 in Seou

Postby CakeBoy » Tue Nov 14, 2017 6:09 pm


Here are the details taken in part from the HB Coffee Archive and the current live site.

In the description, Steve writes:


Bean name El Salvador Finca Las Brumas Washed SL 28 Wild Forest Project 2017 - WBC Winning
Country El Salvador
Region Department: Sonsonate, Nearest city: Santa Ana
Other info Varietal: SL 28

I'll start off with the big news about this coffee - it was used by Dale Harris at the 2017 World Barista Championship finals in Seoul, South Korea where he WON and became the WORLD BARISTA CHAMPION!

Would you like to watch his performance? Follow this link https://worldbaristachampionship.org/20 ... ship-seoul then scroll down a little to see the videos of the finalists performances.

And now, kinda like how Dale did it in his performance - I'll tell you about the coffee!

Juan Jose Ernesto 'Neto' Menéndez Argüello belongs to the fourth generation of coffee farmers in his family. His father died in 1995. After completing his studies at university, Neto had the opportunity to start working in the coffee industry at J. Hill & Cia, in 2000. He left J. Hill & Cia after five years, and began his second coffee experience at JASAL.

Both companies gave him the opportunity to meet 'Grano de Oro' from another perspective, allowing him to learn the art and passion of cupping. He says those are very important in his life, and that they give him the opportunity to apply his coffee knowledge and experience that he's gained through the years.

During his time in the coffee world, he has participated in various events like the Cup of Excellence (National Jury from 2003 to 2011), Q Auction, Q Grader, and the Star Cupper program organised by SCAA and CQI.

The farm, Las Brumas, is located between 45 to 60 minutes from Santa Ana city. It has a cultivated area of 60 hectares' worth of coffee yield, all of which is at an altitude ranging from 1,450 to 1,700 m.a.s.l. It produces around 600 bags of coffee each year, and has an area of 35 hectares of virgin mountain at an altitude from 1,700 to 2,000 m.a.s.l.

The farm is located in the Sonsonate department near the area known as San Blas. Las Brumas has very rich volcanic soil, deep and very fertile, which has been generated by different Ilamatepec and Izalco volcanic eruptions throughout its history.

One of the most important elements is the micro climate. It's very misty at the farm for most of the year, and that's why Neto decided to name the farm Finca Las Brumas. This amazing micro climate is generated when the warm air from the Pacific ocean collides with the high peaks of the Volcanoes Park (which comprises of the Santa Ana, Cerro Verde and Izalco volcanoes).

Due to its location between these three famous volcanoes in El Salvador, this unique micro climate reduces the amount of daylight that the coffee trees receive. This helps the coffee trees have a very slow photosynthesis, improving the maturation process, and this in turn improves some attributes that are closely related to maturity, like the aroma, sweetness, acidity and flavour.

This coffee was produced as part of the Las Brumas Wild Coffee Project where Neto is using previously unfarmed forested land for coffee production, but doing so in a thoughtful and careful way so as not to remove any of the flora and fauna, and so that the space remains – primarily – a forest. Instead of clearing the land to give him a blank canvas for a new coffee growing area he's working with the forest to create a unique environment and a unique coffee.

The soil of the forested area had never been used to grow coffee in before and had benefited from years of its own natural fertilisation system due to all the forest floor goodness, and the constant supply of twigs and leaves dropping down to continually enrich the soil.

Growing coffee in this way affected the speed of the coffee's growth (lots of shade) and took 7 years from initial planting to the first harvest, in a normal area of coffee production that would have only been 3 years but the extra cover from the forest makes everything happen at a slower speed. That slowness also applies to the maturation of the coffee cherry too, similar to growing at really high altitudes - it takes its time and does things slowly because of the conditions resulting in a 15% longer maturation than Neto sees on the rest of Las Brumas.

So...how does all this translate into deliciousness? Let's look at what Dale said during his routine...

Milk course: Granola, brown sugar, poached pear.

Espresso course: Pomegranate, Ethiopian honey, caramelised orange.

Signature drink: 80% dark chocolate, oolong bitterness, balanced orange cream soda.

For me, in the cup this coffee really is a bit of a show off and loved getting to perform on the world stage! Pomegranate with floral honey, a silky body and sweet caramelised oranges.

Country: El Salvador
Department: Sonsonate
Nearest city: Santa Ana
Farm: Finca Las Brumas
Farmer: Juan Jose Ernesto 'Neto' Menéndez Argüello
Altitude: 1,700–2,000 m.a.s.l.
Variety: SL 28
Processing system: Washed

Roasting Information
Medium-medium dark: into the gap between cracks and drop just before second is reached.

"Quick Look" Guide
Pomegranate, honey, caramelised orange.

WBC Brew Guide
Milk course - 20g in, 40g out. Espresso course - 20g in, 44g out.


Clean cup 7/8
Sweetness 6.5/8
Acidity 7.5/8
Mouthfeel 6.5/8
Flavour 7.5/8
Aftertaste 8/8
Balance 7/8
Overall 8/8
Correction +36
Total 94

For anyone wishing to try the coffee, at the time of posting it is available on the HB site, but be sure to select the Wild Forest Project lot. As nice as the regular lot is, the Wild Forest Project is the WBC coffee.
International muffin blagger

Iberital L'Anna 1 Gp Hand-Fill | Wega Orion 2 Gp | Bezzera 1 Gp | Rancilio Audrey PID | Spidem Trevi
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